Calculates the values of bioclimatic indices from monthly temperature and precipitation measurements, following Szelepcsényi et al. 2014.

bioclimate(temp, prec)



A matrix or data frame with 12 columns containing temperatures, in degrees C, for each month of the calendar year.


A matrix or data frame with the same dimensions as temp, containing precipitation measurements in mm for each month of the year.


bioclimate() returns a data.frame whose columns correspond to:

  • abt, mean annual biotemperature; mean annual temperature after replacing entries outside the range 0° to 30° with zeros;

  • tap, total annual precipitation (mm);

  • per, potential evapotranspiration ratio


Szelepcsényi Z, Breuer H, Sümegi P (2014) The climate of Carpathian Region in the 20th century based on the original and modified Holdridge life zone system. Cent Eur J Geosci 6, 293–307. doi:10.2478/s13533-012-0189-5

Holdridge L. R. (1959) Simple method for determining potential evapotranspiration from temperature data. Science, 130, 572. doi:10.1126/science.130.3375.572


Martin R. Smith