The package contains climatic data extracted for the Biomes of Italy.



An object of class list of length 12.


Returns a 11 data frames and one 'Readme' note. Eight feature climate data (i.e., one each for the mean and standard deviation of tmax, tmean, tmin and prec). Within each data frame the columns represent a month (Jan–Dec), each row represents a feature of the location sp, sf polygon or point object. Values returned are either degrees Celsius for (tmax, tmean, tmin) or mm (prec). One data frame features elevation data. Within this data frame, one column shows the mean and the second the standard deviation. One data frame contains the central latitude of each feature. One, called "abmt" features the absolute minimum temperature for each month. For more details on the assignment of Biomes please refer to Mucina et al. (2023).


Mucina, L., Divíšek, J., & Tsakalos, J.L. (2023) Europe, Ecosystems of. In: Encyclopedia of biodiversity, vol X (in print). doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-822562-2.00059-1


data("it_data_extended", package = "climenv")