Creates a graph using the climate and elevation data which has been extracted for a given location. It accepts the data formatted from the ce_extract function.

plot_h(data, geo_id, col = "red", pch = 19, ...)



List. Containing climate, elevation and latitude data sets. Structured by ce_extract().


Character. Corresponding to a specific feature contained in the "location" argument (specifically in the "location_g" column).

col, pch, ...

Arguments to control point styling in HoldridgePoints().


Returns a base R family of plot. This function uses the Ternary

package to create a Holdridge simplex plot.


Holdridge (1947), Determination of world plant formations from simple climatic data. Science, 105:367–368. doi:10.1126/science.105.2727.367Holdridge (1967), Life zone ecology. Tropical Science Center, San José.Smith, M.R (2017). Ternary: An R Package for Creating Ternary Plots. Comprehensive R Archive Network. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1068996

See also

Download climate data: ce_download()


James L. Tsakalos and Martin R. Smith


# Step 1. Import the Italian Biome polygon data
# Step 2. Run the download function
# Step 3. Run the extract function
#* See ce_download & ce_extract documentation

# Steps 1, 2 & 3 can be skipped by loading the extracted data (it_data)
data("it_data", package = "climenv")

# Step 4. Visualise the climatic envelope using a Holdridge diagram

plot_h(data = it_data, geo_id = "MED")